Saturday, March 31, 2012

Why Wait for a Revelation ?

It strikes you out of nowhere, doesn't it ? Suddenly the cobwebs clear - poof! just like that.

It frees your mind, your senses and your soul. And you rebuke it for having taken forever.

It is akin to a long lost love, a husband who takes too long to return home, a friend who just wouldn't listen. And you were right all along. It just took a revelation.

It took a moment of their timeline which prepared them to come to that conclusion, which you may have known much much before them.

But the reason we wait for a revelation is because our souls have a mind of their own. They guide us like gentle spirits. For us to be ready. For us to finally say "Aha".

Aha, the moment has arrived. Now what do you want to do with it ?

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